Our Story

We believe that God has created us to have Kingdom eyes and to be generous in the context of the local church in order to help more and more people in our community to come to know Jesus as Savior. We understand as believers, that God has given us stewardship over, not ownership of, the financial and material resources entrusted to us for the purpose of advancing His Kingdom agenda in the Earth.

It is our goal at Christ Lutheran to empower every member to be a faithful steward by following the timeless principles of giving we find in God’s Word. Your generous tithing and special giving allows God to make missionaries of all our families and connect many people in the Hickory area to their Savior Jesus Christ. Your generous giving continues to make a worldwide difference in Honduras, Romania and Uganda. Keep making an eternal difference with all God has given you.

Why do we give?

The Bible clearly shows us the extent of God’s love and generosity towards us. He gave us everything and sacrificed his Son Jesus so we could spend eternity with Him. We respond out of gratitude and love by seeking to live out Christ’s command in Mark 12:30-31, “The greatest command is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There are no commandments greater than these.”

The Bible teaches how we should think about giving:

We are created to strive to excel in everything, including the grace of giving.
– 2 Corinthians 8:7

We are created to live lives full of tithing and generosity in special giving.
– Matthew 23:23 and Deuteronomy 12:11

Living on 90% of what we have and giving the rest to serve Christ is making a statement that 100% of all we have belongs to the Lord.
– Colossians 3:23

Flowers for the Alter

The 2018 Altar Flowers calendar is posted on the bulletin board for all to sign-up for Altar Flowers for the coming year.  Flowers are $25 per vase/$50 for both and is due by the date.  If you desire special flowers (color, type, etc.), please call the church office (328-1483) at least 2 weeks before because the florist will need to order.  Please call the church office for the wording for the bulletin at least by Wednesday of the week before.  Thank you!

Prayer Squares for Honduras

  • Crochet or knit
    • Directions and yarn available at church
    • Size – about 3-4 inches square
  • Salvation bracelets

Show Your Generosity At These Events

Bible Study w/ Pastor Alec

March 31 @ 1:00 pm

Lenten Service

April 2 @ 12:30 pm

Hobby Day

April 5 @ 10:00 am

Lenten Service

April 9 @ 12:30 pm